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“effect of caste’s in the field of ‘current education’ system ”

An education is the passport to the future , for tomorrow belongs

to those who prepare it for today”.The future of a country is said to depend upon

how the citizens are educated all over the country, a good education system, makes a

country a stronger and developed ones. The education is must and should be

acquired by every citizen of the country,regardless of caste, gender, wealth etc.

The ways of education has changed a lot in past few centuries. It

had changed from “Gurukul” system to “classroom education” to “online education

over the centuries. I really appreciate the education system in India to certain extent.

Over the years, there have been some serious issues going on like reservation system

for jobs, getting seats in the colleges/universities, based on the castes. It is not fair to

allot seat or provide job on the reservations, because no person is born with talent

everyone gets talented as they grow, in the name of the reservations based in the

castes there have been many exploitation going on in the country and the society.

Even the government knows about this too… still it hadn’t done anything from past

4-5 decades.

According to constitution amendment, article 15 provides

reservations of seats to SC, ST, OBC students in government-aided educational

institutions only. This country has lived with the caste based reservations for over 5

decades. As till today, government had provided in total 49.5% of reservation to the

SC/ST/OBC (22.5% for SC/ST and 27% for OBC )category. In this whole process there is

other category who is really struck/suffering in between who really needs more

reservations in all the fields. There are people in the general category who are

poorest then poor who end up not getting seats in proper colleges and better jobs

because they belong to the general category. And there are many people (not all)

among SC/ST/OBC who are richer and still avail all the facilities from the government.

I don’t understand that why this government isn’t understanding this serious issues.

Either it has to keep equal reservations to all the categories else remove all the

reservations completely, let the talented ones regardless of caste,gender

creed,community get the jobs,seats in the colleges.

The government should classify the people who are actually poor, actuall rich,

Should take actions on those who are availing all the facilities who aren’t supposed

to.. there are many people belonging to the general category who fights for single

meal who has dreams of becoming something I their life, but that child is holding

those dreams back to itself afraid of not getting proper higher education,jobs and all.

Let me tell you all something which took place in my life too, after PUC I had written

the JEE mains exams , even I belong to general category only I secured somewhere

around 30 marks ,but I wasn’t qualified that exam because for us, the eligibility

marks were of 70-80 at that time, on the other side, my friends had secured same marks 29-30 but still they qualified for exam, because they had very less eligibility

marks of their SC/ST belonging. Then in that case real talents have no future at all?

And some students who did lots of preparations day and night still end up not

qualifying, they start loosing hopes on their life.

The process of integration of India , which our great ancestors envisioned

hadn’t stopped yet!. The whole reservation system is one of the primary motors for

the migration of talented youngsters from India to many other foreign about creating a income-based economic scholarship system which

supports children of all castes and religions whose parents do not have enough

money to send them to schools and colleges? The affirmative action would not

create a sense of alienation among those students who have high grades and yet

cannot make it to the colleges they aspire to join. Why are we supporting those rigid

caste lords who beat their youngsters because they fall in love with someone of

different caste or one who belongs to a different religion of India?

Caste system had some advantages in the past education system such as:

All the people were given jobs according to their capability

Those people used to to transfer knowledge to their children.

So there will be a particular caste expert in a particular task.

There will be lack of competitions for the jobs among the people.

But in today,s world it had been misused in many of the ways such as:

Our four fathers created this caste system to uplift themselves among all the

people but today’s generation ruined it by bringing untouchability, no inter caste

marriage, dominancy etc.

Now whenever topic of caste comes, it is always followed by reservation

Reservation is then followed by politics which I again followed by caste and at

the end caste system rules.

Current situation of country is the result of caste system followed all these


Higher education in India is based on the principle of exclusivity, there is no

effort for Universalization of education In this area, mainly because it is a

specialization of particular fields. The entry to this gateway is through an entrance

test and it depends on the merits , again there comes the reservation which becomes

headache to many people. The performance in the entrance exams becomes the

yardstick for this gateway.this is again implied by proportion of Dalits and minorities

that have the access to higher education. Well, I have to say that there are many

many families all over the country who really needs the reservations and support

from the govt even though they belong to SC/ST/OBC.

We cant remove this reservation fully for all the categories.

Removing reservation in overall means the people who doesn’t have money or power

will have no means to achieve betterment. Those who have money can study in a

good institution,get better coaching and top in exams. But there may be better

talented people among the poor. The government have the responsibility to each and

everyone. Recently the government had started “casteism free India” program..many people given their views on this program. Well, there are some of the ways

which we can resolve this serious issue in the country in the field of education.

Reservation should be considered on the basis of poverty. The rich are misusing

the benifits of reservation through caste system

Please look into that all the facilities from the govt are made available to actual

poor people not to some random people who wants that facility.

Reservations can be based on the economic terms. Those who have money say

10 lakh per annum , then why do they need reservation even if they belong to

SC/ST? Also there are people belonging to general category who actually needs


Once a common criteria for the selections/merit is used then this issue of

reservation might be resolved to some extent.

And competitive exam fees must be same for all the category students, there’s

been huge injustice taking place to general category students in that field. If

there is no fees for SC/ST then general category exam fees must also be


In exam results also no category should be made for SC/ST?general, same cutoff

should be given to all the category students

This reservations have benifited only a small section of people.

It has became a political game and people who get this opportunity do not get this at

all. People who have money and power get fake backward class certificates and avail

the all the levels of facts , this is true and it becomes nothing else than a

sheer attempt to grab the opportunities of general category people. The government

should wake up at least now, where is the definition of for the people, by the people ,

from the people making sense nowadays? Its been almost 5 decades we this

exploitation is going on in the country, at least now wake up and rise the issue all

over again. If this issue is left unsolved/untouched then it is going to be very serious

issue to the next generation. Let the actual people who needs facilities get them all

as if it is their fundamental right. Do not ever make misuse of this reservation facility

to make your things done. Have some humanity if you all are humans , think of other

people who fights for single meal of food… roams all over the city even thought

holding top ranks in the institutions just because they don’t have reserved seat under

their category.

I am not up against any caste, religion or anything.. I whole

heartedly respect every caste/religion regardless of anything. I belong to the general

category, I know how the exploitation is going on in the name of reservation even

you all reading this knows about this but no one wanted to make the changes,

So I thought why can’t be source of change. As we all know/say.. unity in diversity

right? Let us all unite this time again and resolve this issue once and for all.

Thank you for reading……

“Ban reservations based on castes”


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