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“Do only men are responsible for all RAPE Cases?”

Whenever I hear the news saying, so and so person is raped by 4-5 people when

alone, person is raped by her step father , by her boyfriend and friends… by her

co-workers etc….like this we read so many cases everyday… I wonder that why are

we even called as “humans”!!!.. Even animals are far better then humans in many

matters… Actually… humans should be called as animals and vice verse… because the

culture, the way we live Is too cruel,worst than any living creatures in this world.

What is a RAPE? According to a source, “RAPE is a type of sexual assault

usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried

out against a person without that person’s consent.this act may be carried out by

physical force,coercion,abuse of authority, or against a person who is weaker or

incapable of giving valid consent.” But a weird kind of question arises in my mind

that , do only men are responsible for this? Why are only men are blamed for all the

cases happened so far?… I strongly say that even women are responsible for the rape

cases in one or the other ways… let me say it clearly that “ Not all MEN and WOMEN

are same, this blog is focused only on those who are called rapists, and people who

are promoting rape culture in the indirect ways”.

An average of 25000 rape cases happen every year…. if I could

ask, actually why do we need to rape? Is that necessary? If a person is that horny or

turned on… pay and have sex.. there are people out in the society called prostitutes

who can satisfy all your deeds and needs of sex, but you don’t have any right in

abusing a innocent people’s life forcefully not even the god… I don’t whether you all

read the holy books or not, there’s saying in those books which says “according to it

having sex in illegal ways to cruel in nature, the people who masturbates are also

called as sin people on the earth, there’s a different kind of punishments are given to

them in the hell which I do not like to mention in here”… this generation is growing in

population ,technology.. but it is leaving behind its precious culture and humanity…

Even the men are experiencing the sexual assault by the society, but not many

cases are reported publicly because men feel embarrassed to say they were raped or

sexually assaulted… its a kind of shame to the male community who are always made

dominant over female community. According to a statistical source, one in every 10

every rapes are male victims, but this isn’t highlighted in the medias? Why?, where is

the so called equality among men and women? Let me highlight some of the main

reasons for the rape cases happening in the society,

1. Blaming provoking clothing by people

2. Acceptance of domestic violence

3. Lack of public safety

4. Encouraging rape victims in indirect ways for compromising rape cases

5. A sluggish court system in India.

6. Low status of women in the society. Etc…

Yes, I believe there are the cases reported form 4-8 month old

baby to the 100 year old women who will be perfectly dressed but still they are being

assaulted… most of the cases are being reported of the age group 15-40… and its sadto hear that so many of the cases haven’t been came out because of the fear of the

society living among them.. let me talk about age group of most rape victims.

In many cases victims are raped by a group of people , or by only one person when

he/she is alone when no one else is there around them. Sometimes it provokes the

man’s mind to do such things who will be having such a mindset all the time… I

strongly stand against those rapists who assault on children and old age people..

they should not be spared at any cost if they are found, I don’t know what is the

sexual satisfaction they will get by assaulting them…

Do you all think, women/teenage girls are not responsible for the

rape cases or sexual assaults? Yes they there responsible indirectly, but these all are

not seen by the people neither the society nor the court.. because all these days it

was see that he/she is raped and didn’t even gave a thought that what made that

person to think like that or what provoked him during that time. I think nowadays

everyone uses the Instagram , Facebook kind of social medias , even its been said

that it is the Instagram era too… I have come across many many accounts in that

mostly of teenage girls of the age 18-30… who have huge no of followers to them,

neither they are the celebrities nor any social workers nor writers nothing they are

just the same school,college girls like us. What do you think it is possible to have such

huge many followers. If you look into their profile… it will be filled of girls photos from

all over the state or country…even its funny to hear that same girl photos are found

in 10-20 different accounts of the same kind with huge followers list. Do u think

admin of that group steals them and posts. No not at all… they have been sent by the

girl itself. To gain the followers.

Just because you have a attractive breasts and butts, a glowing face

doesn’t make you a model or beautiful girl/woman in the society instead you

showing off your worthless shitty character to the society, in case if you are trying to

show off your body. Ha even I have been heard saying that “it’s the girl/woman wish

to wear the dress of her wish…” yes I agree on that because this Is a independent

country and we are free to do anything of our will. But why the hell are you showing

it to the society ha? If you are that happy, keep that happiness wear

such provoking dresses inside 4 is not necessary to show it to the public to

become famous about their beauty and all.. why do you think there were not even a

single rape cases reported 5-6 centuries ago? Do you think they were not beautiful to

show It to the public? Actually they were much much beautiful woman than this

generation, during those times people were focusing more on their dressing sense,

culture than this fucking getting famous and beauty. These kind of photos in the

social medias provokes many men… we shouldn’t disagree on the fact that sexual

satisfaction is must in human life to have healthy life. But it should be had in legal

ways, not illegally.

There were times women/girls used to wear the full dress to protect

their body private parts and now the generation had grown to that extent some of

them remove their dress half naked for the photo shoot just to get famous and to be

attracted by the people. Girls/women don’t have any thing special in them what man

is not having, they have all the parts just like many has… a extra part which highlights on their body is the breasts.. you all shouldn’t use that part to gain the

publicity… instead just think it as a extra flesh on your body, through which you are

gonna feed your baby if you get married… according to a source man gets attracted

to a women by her beauty and what we call boobs most of the times… I don’t

understand if you can’t wear the dresses covering at least these kind of parts then its

not wrong in getting provoked or turning on by men if they see them. And no society

scolds them no court looks into these kind of matters when a rape case has been filed.

because they are “GIRLS”… let me be frank , indirectly some of such kind of girls

which I described above are provoking the sexual assaulting or raping.. then why Is

not rapes happening on men, however aged they are they wont show their body

like them… yes I agree on the fact that “ first the men need to change the way of

perception/ seeing women/girls” and in that case even the should/must agree to

that “ women/girls must wear full dress, not half naked” again let me say.. these is

not for all… only to those people who belongs to such category which I described

above… don’t think me wrong that I have targeted all the women.. no no not at all..

I appreciate those people in some ways who satisfies their needs

by paying not like assaulting/raping… society is seeing the assaults on men too but

are not being known to the people… because it is always highlighted all these years

that women/girls are being assaulted not men… this thinking has been fixed in the

minds of people… we can’t help with that. Well if you ask me what we can do as a

responsible citizens of this country to stop/prevent this kind of assaults or rapes…

according to me here are few ways which we can prevent.

As I said earlier men should change the view of perception and women

should not expose the half naked body of theirs

Strict law should be framed in the country against the victims.

Else those victims should be handed over to the public . they will teach

him/her the perfect lesson so they he/she can’t even think of doing that again..

In worst cases…. our law should follow the rules of other countries where

victims are shot dead on the spot within an hour or two of the assault or rape.

Victim’s hands should be cut off , so that he shouldn’t be able to take hold of

other person again for raping.

Victim’s legs should be cut off , so that he cant force himself on other

person’s forcefully and illegally.

Sex awareness should be given to all the age people starting from when a

girl matures to till the man/woman dies.

Sex should be made legal in the country with respect , only in the case if the

country is not ready to focus on its precious vast culture.

Such kind of provoking persons on the social medias need to ban their

accounts and to be warned…

Everyone should learn to protect themselves against the other person…

should always be careful regarding their surroundings…

Immediate action should be taken by the law if such cases happens not after

that person dies after suffering…

Such people are not worth letting them alive even after committing such

sin/cruel things… they should be executed in worst case of situation because India is country of 138cr. Population,it will loose nothing by execution of one


In simple let me put it.. “ real men don’t even think of

assaulting/raping a female , and in the same way real women don’t provoke

this assault/rape indirectly by their way of dressing or by their actions”… Be

like real men and Women… as how they should be… this is mainly focused on

the people belonging to those categories which described briefly…sincere

apologies from my side if somethings seems inconvenient/harsh to u..

THANK YOU for reading this patiently….


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